I also worked out how to cut lines in the blue plastic covering without scratching the aluminium - polish the end of a fine-point soldering iron and then draw this across the surface to burn a thin track into the plastic sheet. It can then be pulled away to leave a clean area for riveting. I guess I should prime this area of the outer skin before riveting so there's paint below the rivets.
Vertical stabiliser skins all dimpled.
I managed to prepare all of the rudder parts ready for painting, although I'm meant to check that the hinges line up correctly with the completed vertical stabiliser before I can rivet them, so I'm now a bit stuck.
Rudder spar with control horn
Rudder spar top hinge.
This will give me a space 11 feet x 7 feet which should be big enough for the largest components. All being well, this will be finished mid-week and I can get the initial parts painted and assembled.